On this page you can find promotional content for the SensusAccess service which can be shared on your own social media platforms to make students and staff aware that your institution provides SensusAccess as a service to augment users alternate media needs.
Some of the promotional content on this page come in two versions: The first version is a general, ready-to-upload image in PNG-format that fits the size requirements for content upload for different social media platforms. The second version is the same image as the general version, except this version contains room in the image for your institution to, for example, add a logo or something similar. This version is also in a PNG-format which makes it possible to insert a logo in the image by using a vast range of programs.
Option 1
Option 1 is a ready-to-upload version with the text “Coming to your courses soon! SensusAccess. Alternative media made easy”.
The size (1080px by 1080px) is perfect for upload to Instagram.

Option 2
Option 2 is an edit version containing the text “Coming to your courses soon! SensusAccess. Alternative media made easy”. Additionally, some space have been left empty at the bottom of the image for the possibility to add a logo or similar
The size (1080px by 1080px) is perfect for upload to Instagram.

Option 3
Option 3 is a ready-to-upload version with the text “SensusAccess. Alternative media made easy” as well as graphical depictions of different users.
The size (1080px by 1080px) is perfect for upload to Instagram.

Option 4
Option 4 is an edit version with the text “SensusAccess. Alternative media made easy” as well as graphical depictions of different users. Some (white) space has been left empty at the top of the image for the possibility to add a logo or similar.
The size (1080px by 1080px) is perfect for upload to Instagram.

Option 5
Option 5 is an edit version with the text “SensusAccess. Alternative media made easy” as well as graphical depictions of different users. Some (black) space has been left empty at the top of the image for the possibility to add a logo or similar.
The size (1080px by 1080px) is perfect for upload to Instagram